ADVENTURE Youth Camp Registration
In order to complete your child’s registration, please mail or drop off in person the 3 page Registration form with full payment (cheque, or money order) made payable to … Christ the King Youth Camp.
Note: (As of yet we have no online registration capabilities.)
Early Bird discount, full payment must be received by March 31st, 2020 otherwise full non-discounted camp fee will apply.
Cancellation Policy: We will refund on a pro-rated basis the camp fees of a camper who leaves camp early due to illness (doctor’s note may be required) or serious illness or death in the immediate family. Otherwise, the entire camp fee is non-refundable after March 31st., 2020. No refund will be issued for dismissal due to disciplinary action, late arrival or early dismissal/departure.
NOTE: This application cannot be processed without complete payment.
NSF cheques will result in a $20.00 fee and the cancellation of the camper’s registration unless full payment is received.
Share the gift of God's beauty and goodness at camp!
Please Read everything on this website
before registering for camp including...
camp preparation, rules and guidelines,
policies and procedures. Thank You!
☐ ages 10 to 15 years Five Day Youth CAMP
July (Monday 4:00p.m. – Friday 2:00p.m.)
Registration Deadline:
Early bird (Discount) March 31, / 1-2 child(ren), /additional siblings (after 2 registrations)
Regular (no discount) after March 31, - / child
☐ ages 4-6 ☐ ages 7-9 Vacation Bible School Day CAMP
July (Monday - Friday 9:00a.m. – noon)
Registration Deadline:
Early bird (Discount) June 15, / 1-2 child(ren), / additional siblings (after 2 regular registrations)
Regular (no discount) after June 15, / child