Our volunteers have the option to stay on-site while offering their services to the Youth portion of Camp provided they comply with the volunteer guidelines.
Any adult ministering in any capacity to Youth or VBS children, as well as anyone staying on-site (volunteer family members – for the week or for one night) will be required to submit criminal record checks and wear staff/visitor badges.
All staff involved in the core Youth ministry and VBS will be required to obtain their Covenant of Care certificate as well as their First Aid and CPR.
Two adults/counselors will be in attendance with youth/VBS children at all times and will maintain a ratio of one adult/10 minors.
Both adults/counselors sleeping in the dorm should be of the same sex as those youth in the dorm, when this is not possible one male and one female may be in attendance.
Youth/VBS children may stay in their parents/guardians accommodations for the week.
No adult should ever be alone with a child/youth, if it is absolutely necessary, doors must remain open the entire time the adult is present with the youth/child. (In the case of VBS children if a parent is unavailable to take their
child to the washroom, two volunteers will parade a group of children to the washroom and wait outside to parade them back to their activities – if someone needs help both volunteers will enter the washroom with doors remaining open).
Relationships/public displays of intimate behaviour of any kind are disapproved between all adults/counselors on-site.
Volunteer personnel are granted leave from the premises during their scheduled breaks provided someone has relieved them of their duties.
Volunteer personnel are obligated to report any concerns pertaining to the kids/staff or activities that need to be addressed whether for health and safety concerns or legal violations.
Discussion amongst staff is required to communicate campers’ well being and life at camp, however, respect for the camper should be maintained at all times. Particularly in the case of a behavioural problem, only staff who are directly involved with the camper need know the necessary details of the situation. This rule includes the use of incidents/behaviours in the past (names should never be disclosed) that are brought to the attention of new staff to enforce points in training.
Live and work according to God’s law – the Ten Commandments. Senior Counselors over age 18
Junior Counselors age 16-18
Campers and staff will supply:
Contact information (phone, address, email address)
Emergency contact information
Medical / health information
Hospitalization no.
Date of birth